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Monday 8 February 2016

Silent Worship From the Heart Poem (Original)

18:06 0 Comments

This is my first heartfelt poem to My Lord.

To: Jesus,

Let my worship touch Your heart, O God
I want to bless You with my worship
Not with singing but with my heart
My hands lifted high to You
Let my worship bring so much joy to You Lord
For nothing can compare to how much You are worth to me Lord

Soaking in Your presence Lord
Tears flowing down from my eyes
I'm in awe of You
I'm in awe of Your amazing presence

You are all I need Lord
Pouring out my heart to You
Speechless, connecting my heart with Yours
With worship song playing in the background

You alone understand all the troubles I am going through
For You are walking with me through it all
The loneliness, rejection and disappointments
I give it all to You
I release it all to You
Let whatever in me worship You Lord
Holding nothing back
Nothing at all

My pride has caused my downfall countless times
I am burdened for I desire the wrong things in life
That can never ever satisfy me
My stubbornness and rebellion has caused me so much pain
Pain that I can avoid going through
If only I just listened to You
If only I was obedient to You

Even when I have failed immeasurable times
You have never given up on me
You have never left me nor forsaken me
Thank You for Your faithfulness towards me
Thank You for pouring unconditional love and undeserved grace towards me

You deserve so much more
Than how I have been treating You
You are so precious to me
But I have taken You for granted many times
Your love is from everlasting to everlasting
For those who keep Your love is ever so blessed forevermore

I want to love You more
I want to love others more
For they are Your creation and You love them
Many times I have failed to love
Coz of my selfishness

I want to be more like You Lord
I want to know Your heart
I wanna grow deeper in Your love
I wanna grow deeper in Your word

Let Christ be greater and I become less
Teach me to love like how You love
For there is no greater love than Your love
Coz Your love never fails

Only You alone can satisfy the deepest longing in my heart
For You are the living water that quenches the thirst in my soul
All that is within me shall praise Your name
To God be the glory and honour forevermore!

By: Caylene,
His sweetheart

Blessings in Disguise Poem (Original)

11:58 0 Comments

What are Blessings?
Blessings cannot be define as just material things
Not just things that we can feel with our five senses
Most of the time we did not realize that we are so blessed
He blesses us with family and friends, relationships, protection,
joy, love, peace and the list goes on...
These blessings are far more precious than material things
That the world is often so blinded by it

The world is a rat race
An endless cycle of chasing after wealth and popularity
That they may gain more material things
Thinking the things would satisfy them with happiness
After gaining those things they may be temporarily satisfied
But they are not permanently satisfied
And want to gain more and more and the list goes on endlessly..

They just want to satisfy the void in their soul
Which can only be satisfied by Almighty God
A Father who longs so much to bless His children
With abundance of love, joy and peace
He is more than willing to bless us with so much more
That our cup cannot contain it and will overflow
Overflowing to those around us
That we are not just blessed but able to be a blessing to others too

Trials are unexpectedly blessings in disguise
How many of us thank God when we go through difficulties
Instead we complained like the Israelites and kept asking God
Why me and why is this happening to me
Claiming I do not deserve to go through this as I am Your Child

If we truly understand the heartbeat of God
We would know that He disciplines those He loves (Hebrews 12:4-6)
If we truly understand the heartbeat of God
We would know that He wants us to rejoice in trials (James 1:2-4)
Refining us through the fire to burn off every impurities in us
That our faith may be of greater worth than gold (1 Peter 1:7)
As He is molding and gentle breaking each one of us
He knew that we have to be strong to overcome this world
That is filled with so much darkness
That's why we have to go through so many trials, often more than others
That we would be strong enough to be more than conquerors! (Romans 8:37)

God knows how much we can endure
And He will not allow us to be tested beyond what we can bear (1 Corinthians 10:13)
Often times we lose hope as we do not believe that we can pass through the trials
The amazing thing is that He has faith in us that we will succeed
Coz He who began a good work in us will carry on to completion until Jesus comes back! (Philippians 1:6)

God already said that in this world we will have troubles,
but take heart for He has overcome the world! (John 16:33)
It is done and finished at the cross 2000 years ago
If God is for us, who can ever be against us?! (Romans 8:31)
Rejoice in the Lord, again I will say rejoice! (Philippians 4:4)

Why does God bless us?
To be honest we do not deserve any of His blessings
Who are we but dust that fades away so quickly on earth
He blesses us in ways that are beyond our imagination and expectation
It's not because we are good but solely because He is good
Our God is a good Father who blesses His children because He loves all of us!

Inspired by the song "Blessings" by Laura Story.